Postcards from Invisible Journeys
Postcards from Invisible Journeys Podcast
Full Circle | Quarter 3 Gate

Full Circle | Quarter 3 Gate

Defining New Year

Hello Friend and Happy New Year!

This is one of my favorite times of year. This Gate of July 1st holds as much energy and excitement for me as it's reflection December 21- January 1.

I celebrate several "New Years" each year: July 1st, my birthday, October 31st and of course January 1st. Besides just enjoying the opportunity to pause, reflect and restart, I have cultivated many New Years because each one serves a different purpose, offers a different energy.

July 1st is New Year from the middle, from the inside. 

This Gate, whether external in your season or internal in your process, marks the arrival to the middle. You’ve had a whole journey to get just to this point, to get to halfway! And now is a time to acknowledge how the journey here has already changed you. Though you set out with an intention, a direction, an imagined arrival somewhere, you are not now the same person as the one who made those choices.

If New Years are about anything, they're about OUR FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. Whether one or many, New Years are portals we open, time and space we set apart from “what is expected” to choose again, to remember that we are free and sovereign beings, the authors and authorities of our life. 

And so on this ground of New Year we remember that we are free even from who we were yesterday, last quarter, last year! We must be, because - through the weirdness and magic of how time unfolds in human life - we can see things now we couldn't see before.

And here you are now, in the middle.

(of your process, of a project, of your year

This is the belly of the whale moment, the apex, the crescendo, the culmination! How you walk out from here is what stories and myths are made from. Don’t be shy, let this be a defining moment. Let yourself emerge into the height, the brightness, the fullness of this moment as the person you dream of becoming in this life.

Full of _____________.

Guided by ___________________.

Here to birth ________________ into this world in this lifetime. 

The person who went in is not the same person who comes out. 

So choose again, my dear fellow journeyer. 

Choose again…

Even in the middle of chaos and muck and mess of this world… 

Even in the middle of your greatest creation…

Even in the middle of your beautiful, imperfect process of living life…

How you walk out from this place tells the rest of the story what happens next.

I am wishing you a brave and bold “new year” my friend. We could certainly use all you have to offer.

All my love,


Postcards from Invisible Journeys
Postcards from Invisible Journeys Podcast
inspirations, rumblings, meditations and invitations - sincerely, the world unseen
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